
April 12, 2011

First script reading

Today we did our first script reading for Gas Mask. I set up shop in the dining room and got a video feed up via ichat on the laptop for Chris to join since he is in Chicago. We also set up the HVX on a tripod to tape the whole thing. That way we can watch it again this week and take even more notes. I had a feeling something was not going to work but it went very well.

I sent a Facebook update asking for volunteers and got a lot of responses. It's good to have friends that are willing to drop what they are doing and help out.

Glenda read the narration. My son, Shawn read the part of James, Samantha was Lucile and Jerry played the villain, Larkin.

Everyone did a great job. The script is only 12 pages so it went pretty fast. After the read, we opened it up to questions and got some great feedback. I wanted them to read it out loud cold turkey because I wanted to hear the dialog without them having any preconceived notions, to see the if the dialogue works. For the most part it did, with a note here and there. I definitely feel like we are right there with the script.

While we finished up the read. My wife, Marianella went and scored us some awesome Peruvian food from Misti's. We all ate and drank and filled our bellies, making the night a great success.

Tomorrow, Rodney comes to the studio at 1pm, together with Chris, again via video chat, we are tackling the storyboards, which will be tough. I do have faith that between the three of us, we will figure it out. I am still trying to figure out how to get us all on a digital workflow and make everything as easy as possible.

Sometime in a future article, I'll write down the workflow, but that will be after I nail it down myself, as we are always trying out new apps and programs.


April 10, 2011

Storyboard apps on our iPad

Well, we have an iPad ladies and gentleman. I have been looking forward to getting my hands on one since last year and I do have to say that after about a week with it, I am very happy. It definitely facilitates my workflow. I have downloaded a few apps to test out just how capable they are in this filmmaking journey.

Today I wanted to test out a few different methods of making quick storyboards on the iPad and really see just how practical it was to create and communicate my ideas because practicability was one of the main reasons for getting one.

I first used Upad only because it was already open. It is a nice note taking app that recognizes your handwriting. I bought a stylus and have been messing around with it. I definitely recommend upad. I like it do far. I can draw thumbnails very easily, but it isn't a drawing app and doesn't have many of those features. I like the fact that I can email the page with my handwriting. I know that Evernote (an awesome cataloging app) can read handwriting and will be exploring using them together.

Next came Clip Sketch app from Celtx. We have recently come to use Celtx. They make a quality pre-viz for the desktop. I cannot say the same for the ipad app. It might be good to use for basic over head diagrams for floor maps or something. I didn't like the drawings really, the characters seemed a little too cartoonish too me. I did however, liked the overhead drawings of camera crew equipment.

I had read about a cool little app called storyboards a few months ago when I started some iPad research. It had intrigued me from the video I saw, it had a large library (characters, props, etc.) that you could manipulate easily. I found the free version to tryout. It was cool and simple enough to use. The only problem was the speed at which it renders. It was terribly slow, to the point of frustration. Hopefully they will fix all that in the coming updates. It does dish out some nice boards with having actually drawn one element.

Last I tried drawing with sketchbook express first mainly because I use the desktop version with my cintque in the studio and I love it and I found that the the iPad experience does meet up to my expectations but only barely. I think the controls are a little hard to navigate through. But I am sure after a few more tries, it will be easier. I definitely like the possibilities it offers. I am going to upgrade the app.

I think I'll be using sketchbook to draw and maybe bring them into Upad to make notes. This will be an ongoing process as I find new tools to work with on this iPad. Oh and by the way. I made this post completely (pictures, text and all) right from my iPad as I watched the Masters, while sitting on my bed. Pretty cool I think.

This week coming up we will Be trying to storyboard the shots for Gasmask. So I'll post up some of the work Rodney and I do next week.


April 3, 2011

Gas Mask: a little backstory

For about a year and a half we have been tossing around ideas for films we want to create and produce.  There were two in particular that I worked on, they were close to being finished, to the point of having all the index cards up on the board but in the end, they didn't work for many reasons but mostly the ideas had various structural problems that were too blaring.  They were interesting ideas but it just wouldn't work.

We love film.  It is obvious when we have our meetings every week and I think that was why we were putting too much pressure on ourselves to create a masterpiece.  So much so, that it drained the fun of the process.  I'm sure some of you guys out there know what  mean.

It's very difficult to put aside a project that you have invested a good chunk of time and effort into.  I always try to stay positive about things and think the breakthrough is just around the corner, but at one point you have to be realistic about the what you have and know when to let go.  I spent eight months working on them.

I decided to put everything aside, yet again and write down an fun idea a day for a week and see what happens.  I got up every morning and wrote down anything that came to mind.  It didn't matter how crazy or strange it was.  I thought of things I liked and geek me out.  I came up with five.  "Gas Mask" as I first named it, was one that just kinda stuck with us after a meeting where we discussed the five story ideas.  I like the image of a gas mask.  It's kinda weird. 

I placed the characters in a world where some great event  has happened that has made people and food very scarce.  The main character James is a scavenger, just trying to survive.  The story is about what happens when James comes across a family that hides in a farm and invite him in to break some bread. 

I've always been curious about how people act toward one another.  You really never know who or what kind of person you might bump into.  What are the rules of civility, when the world as we know it ceases to exist.

The script has taken a little over a month to write and rewrite and rewrite and... I believe it there have been maybe 10 - 15 revisions.  Chris Buddy is the man.  He is relentless.  I would finish a version up and email it out at 1 am and his notes would be back by 1:30.  This story is as much his as it is mine.  

By the way, please check out his Awesome Documentary film "Absinthe"

So the script is now ready and we go on to the next phase of this production.  We are hoping to raise funds for the project.  It has been a very exciting month for as at Humungoid Films.  More to come...

April 2, 2011

First Poster Mock Up

So I was on the mac today just throwing together a few images and seeing what sticks.  It's just the first mockup.  The story has always been called "The Gas Mask" but we have been throwing other names around.  One of the names we've been talking about is "Civility" although I think it needs a lot of work.  I believe it's a good place to start.  There is a lot of work ahead for us.  Will continue posting the progress as we go.

April 1, 2011

First Post Ever

Well here we are people.  Today April 1st, 2011 our blog will be going live. It will be a record of our projects for us, our friends and anyone out there that might be interested in our journey into what we love

Subscribe and come back periodically.  There is a lot of cool stuff on the horizon.