
October 19, 2011

Gabriela Manrique: Set Photographer

Born in Perú, Gabriela’s parents moved to the United States in August 1988, looking to start a new life in hopes of new opportunities for their 2 children.

They settled in Jamaica Queens, New York.  With little English, Gabriela made friends, went to school and was able to adapt to her new environment easily.  The opportunity of seeing the world was through her friends, who all came from different parts of the world.

Making her parents proud, Gabriela finished with a Bachelors on Communications, focusing on Multi Media at Marymount Manhattan College in the upper east side of Manhattan.  She liked questioning and learning and so it was easy for her to graduate with honors, earning her to be part of the Communications Honor Society, Lambda Pi Eta.

Gabriela has an affinity for color and urban life.  She functions with a spontaneous spirit.  Most of her childhood she felt misunderstood, and because of it, she felt mostly confused of her randomness. But through time and circumstances, she was able to explore mediums in which she could express herself.  She is now a solid artist making a name for herself in the midst of the NYC grind.

Gabriela Manrique is currently self-employed and works as a Graphic Designer, Illustrator and Photographer.

Now I have had the pleasure of knowing Gabby for a long time, she is an extremely talented photographer and NYC artist.  She has a very unique eye and will be in charge of taking all the set production stills.  She will also be creating a beautiful production book as a reward for some of our backers on Kickstarter.  I can't wait to see the final product. I am sure it will be amazing!

A few of years ago I was invited to a gallery show called Bicycles NYC down in Brooklyn.   I saw this piece and instantly fell in love with it.   A couple of weeks later, she personally delivered it to the house and it's been hanging on the Humungoid Films studio wall ever since.  It is quite something to tell you the truth.  It's the first thing I see in the morning when I open the door and puts me in the right creative frame of mind, when I work.  I am extremely proud to have her on our team.

So please take a moment to check out some of her stuff.  She is artist that deserves a closer look!

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